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What we offer!
Security Ministry
Violent attacks targeting of churches and their attendees has become a frequent occurrence in recent times. The security of our congregation is the utmost priority of the church, whether it be a Sunday service or a potluck lunch. DCCF recognized our vulnerability to such attacks and our security ministry was formed. The security ministry is constantly on patrol during gatherings, scanning for potential concerns and threats. Team members are trained in first aid, CPR, weapons training, and hazard assessment and mitigation. Allowing our members the freedom to focus on church activities and not on their safety.
Movie Ministry
A Christian based movie is premiered at the church about every 3 months. This cinematic experience provides a night of entertainment along with keeping the focus on God. We aren't talking about your garden variety made for tv movies, but ones with a large theatrical showing, superb (often famous) actors, and compelling plots. Did we mention FREE POPCORN?!
Children's Ministry
Sunday Service
DCCF provides a service for all ages. The Sunday service provides a sermon designed specifically for the youth with interactive worksheets throughout the rest of the service. Childcare is provided for children up to 4 years throughout the service.
Building Lives Around Solid Truth is a weekly youth gathering for children from preK through 12th grade. This fun filled event features songs, games, lessons, and peer interaction. Dinner is provided to all that attend. Parents are invited to attend the festivities also!
Periodic events
Vacation Bible School, summer camp, Christian concerts, sporting events
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